Wednesday, January 30th, is the day I’ve been counting down to for the past several weeks! This is the day my new book, Brokenness to Beauty Bible Study: Going Deeper to the Source of Transforming Your Brokenness to Beauty is ready to be introduced to the world.
Though Brokenness to Beauty Bible Study has been for sale online for about a month, I waited for this month to advertise it because December is an extra busy month for most of us (remember Christmas?).
One reviewer
Another wrote these words about the Bible study, “She partners scripture to her teaching throughout the lessons and shares how the love and hope of Jesus brings healing to our broken and hurting places. Her validation of our stories and the truth of the healing power of
If you’d like to take a look at the Brokenness to Beauty Bible Study, you can go here to read more from inside the book or here to my website where I offer the paperback version of Brokenness to Beauty Bible Study and my book, Brokenness to Beauty for sale at discounted prices.
If you are an ebook reader, whether Kindle or Nook or another ebook form, you can get either one of my books in digital form for only 99 cents each at major online retailers.
Why is it important to introduce this Bible study to the world? I wrote it with the prayer that God will use it in people’s lives to help grow them stronger in Christ. One friend emailed me and said, “Jacque, you have hit a home run with that Bible study! … Writing a book is no mean feat, but writing a deep, life-changing Bible study to go with it is monumental!”
Life change. That’s what Bible study is all about. It is what we all need and should experience as we put into practice what we study in the Bible. This is my prayer and goal for the Brokenness to Beauty Bible Study, life change because Christians are growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as a result of using the study.
Will you help me achieve this goal? Pick up your copies of Brokenness to Beauty and Brokenness to Beauty Bible Study today. Start a Bible study with your friends!
Thanking God for bringing this day to reality. This is a Bible study resource that will change lives as it has already impacted mine.
Thanks Jacque for the labor of love for the Lord’s sheep fold.
Thank you, Titi for the part you played in bringing this Bible study to life by being in the beta study group!