The Other Guests at the Door

Seven p.m. we show up. Well, a few of us were at the door a bit earlier. It’s just that we all enjoy our small group so much, we like getting there to see the rest of the gang. And the others seemed to troop in all together a few minutes to seven. “Hi’s!” and hugs all around.

As usual, Brynn opened the meeting with the by now traditional question: “What has God been doing?” He smiles as he says it, carrying on the tradition set by Randy. It is an effective thought provoker, getting us to think back over our week and recognize God at work in our lives. There are always interesting incidents brought up, fuel for prayer or praise.

Our group likes studying books of the Bible rather than topics, for the most part, so a few weeks ago we chose the book of Romans to study. No slouches in our group! We agreed on a study guide by a well-known and respected theologian and teacher and now, three weeks in, finished the first chapter of Romans. Heady already.

The part I love best about studying a book of the Bible is reading and re-reading the chapters for the duration of our time in the book. As I read I begin to see patterns, repeated words, progressions of thought. All those good things you miss with a simple read-through and on to the next book.

There was good discussion, some of us waxing passionate in our sharing. What a great group to let each of us be ourselves and still love each other!

After several of us shared needs, spontaneous prayers were offered and Brynn tied it up with a closing prayer.

Snack time! Suzie brought the cookies and Naomi the fresh strawberries.

We were all standing around talking and munching the goodies when a distinctly unpleasant aroma assaulted my senses. Or sense—of smell. Since I was talking and not paying complete attention to this intrusive element it took me several minutes to identify it. Looking at the open patio door I suddenly realized I was smelling skunk!

About the time I mentioned it, others were saying the same thing, telling their skunk and raccoon stories.

As we started to leave for home there was a commotion at the front door. Brynn had opened it to allow folks to exit but quickly drew back and shut the door. Four skunks were on the front porch, huddled in a corner!

The talk was loud and excited, laced with laughter. Greg was looking between the slats of the window blinds, trying to see the little black and white critters. Should we leave, should we wait? It was quite humorous.

I heard someone say, “They’re nocturnal so if you shine a light …” It must have worked because in a minute or so everyone was filing out the door. I followed Ernie, who was holding up his cell phone, shining the light this way and that. Good job, Ernie!

Now if someone asks us, “How was your week?” (or in our “group talk”: what has God been doing?) we have some funny stories to tell.

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